Price Isuzu Car Latest All Types

Price Isuzu Car Latest All Types

Isuzu MUX

Price Isuzu - As we already know, among the Japanese car manufacturers in Indonesia, it can be said that only Isuzu is the single most serious car manufacturer in the commercial car market, whether it is a freight car or passenger car.

In this market segment, Isuzu penetration is very strong. They have many variants of the mainstay products for this market (car transport). Some of them such as Isuzu Giga, Isuzu Elf and Isuzu Bison.

Although most Isuzu products are dominated by commercial cars, it does not mean Isuzu ignores market share / personal or family users. The reason for this private market share, Isuzu also has some mainstay cars, one of them is Isuzu D-Max car. This pick up off road car is offered in several variants / types, and each variant is priced at a new price ranging from about 280 millions to 400 millions.

In addition to D-Max, another car which is also a mainstay of Isuzu in the family car segment is Isuzu panther. MPV car whose new price is priced at 200 millions is a type of car that is very popular in the automotive market homeland. Besides known to have a reliable and recalcitrant diesel engine, Isuzu panther is also known for very minimal maintenance.

Isuzu D-MaX
In addition, actually Isuzu also still has a new flagship for the category of MPV cars, the new car was launched in some time ago. What is that car? The car is Isuzu MU-X. Isuzu's latest car that is futuristic design is priced at quite high, which is about 425 millions per unit.
Interested in Buying One Isuzu Car?
Okay for those of you who might be interested in / planning to buy one of Isuzu cars, whether commercial cars such as trucks, pick ups and minibuses or family cars such as Isuzu Panther, MU-X and Isuzu D-Max, below there is little useful info about the price on The road of each type and type of cars latest output Isuzu.

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2. Honda Mobillio
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